Say Buh-Bye to Chronic Pain!

Unlock Your Path to Pain-Free Living with Caurel! Experience lasting relief from chronic discomfort and regain control over your life.

What is your CURRENT level of PAIN?

No matter where you are on the scale, I’m sure you’ve had ENOUGH!

a woman with her lips

Are you TIRED of?

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The feelings of hopelessness and helplessness that accompanies the persistent discomfort.

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The negative effects on your overall quality of life.

The difficulty in finding an effective solution.

The long term associated cost needed to cope with the pain.

This could be you...

“Now I can be physically active, go about my daily life and feel assured that I no longer ever have to experience this issue again”

“My legs are feeling amazing”

“I have no more pain”

“I have not had pain since I worked with Caurel and I feel like I have my life back.”

“I take better care of my needs now”

“I get to do more of the things that I love with the people I love”

At In Divine Thyme...we rewire your

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Who We Are

Write a paragraph that talks about your company here. You can talk about your company's background, history, mission, vision, or philosophy. Anything that will introduce your brand's persona to your clients. This will help build a connection between you and them, that hopefully leads into a working relationship.

We believe that before your pain becomes a physical manifestation, it is first psychological.

We are a safe space to heal your pain by exploring your subconscious, where the memories, emotions, and beliefs related to past experiences may be stored.

Through therapeutic virtual sessions, we help you identify and address negative thoughts, self-perceptions, and self destructive behaviors that is causing your pain.

Those in pain often feel powerless; the therapeutic journey gives you the mental strength to reclaim control over your life.

Friendly African American Businesswoman Holds an Online Meeting While Sitting in the Office.

What to Expect

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Uncover and release the underlying emotional triggers contributing to your pain

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Learn powerful mind-body techniques to alleviate discomfort


Cultivate a deeper understanding of your body's signals and needs

Client Highlights

Krystal, Clinical Hypnotherapist

Initially, I sought Caurel's help when I was struggling with leg pain following surgery for a serious medical condition. Even after the operation, I continued to experience persistent intense pain, feeling like a constant pulsating pressure in the same areas. Despite specialist doctors confirming the success of the surgery but unable to identify the cause, hinting at muscle contractions or psychological factors, I remembered my previous experience with Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) and decided to explore this option for my physical pain. Meeting Caurel, she offered assurance and expertly led me through therapy, instilling confidence, comfort, safety, and trust. This supportive environment allowed me to open up about my pain, leading to the discovery of its root cause. Caurel, an exceptional and compassionate therapist, showed empathy and patience as she helped me navigate challenging memories. Through her expertise and effective therapeutic techniques, I was able to let go of old beliefs and embrace a new life. My leg pain disappeared, and I now enjoy showing and feeling my legs without any discomfort. Since working with Caurel, I have been pain-free, regained my active lifestyle, and am certain that this issue is now resolved. With a more positive mindset, improved coping strategies, and a richer life post-therapy, I am a testament to the transformative power of RTT and the importance of a skilled therapist in unlocking one's true potential. I am grateful to Caurel for helping me reclaim my life and wholeheartedly recommend her services to those seeking positive life changes.”

Ramone, Engineer and Athlete

“So if you’re like me, a man who never really asks for help, you’ll be skeptical of anything that resembles being helped. I however do not regret the day I said yes to Caurel and In Divine Thyme Transformational Services. I have been struggling with confidence and believe me I needed confidence and self belief to excel in my sport . Caurel’s techniques works effortlessly and streamline with me. I became more aware of my weaknesses and my strengths. I learned that I was being hindered by past trauma and suffering panic attacks because of them. I learned when I needed to be positive and confident and not just hide behind the scenes . Go for what I deserve! That’s what I gained from it all. And I am truly grateful for the experience and the gains that have come thus far and I am really looking forward to greater things for myself.”

Michelle, Business Owner

“If you are are finding yourself in opportunity of partnering with Caurel Richards - there is zero hesitation required. Let me explain why; I connected with Caurel at a business conference and felt an immediate "click". The kind that makes you feel drawn; that vibe or energy that just makes you want to know more. After reconnecting a short time later, and understanding her program, I have experienced the life-changing impact that goes beyond a service she provides - to the very core of what I didn't even realize was holding my potential back. I am normally skeptical of any alternative methodologies, but through the entire process of Caurel's program, I felt confident and trusting in her ability to help me identify some deep areas in which I was withholding my potential. Caurel worked in seperate sessions which involved aspects of reflection, meditation, and inducing a hypnotic state of calmness. If you are willing to truly explore those vulnerable areas, which you may not have even realized existed, like myself you will be able to recognize the impact of these sessions in your complete being. My mental, physical and spiritual awareness has been incredibly impacted to help springboard me into an exciting new and authentic version of myself. I cannot express my recommendation of Caurel and her program enough. Truly, I am only now coming into the fullness of myself, and the potential that we have been able to unlock together in our sessions. All because I took a chance, invested in a new experience, and challenged myself out of what has been 40+ years of comfortability. I challenge you to the same - try something new! Learn what balance can mean for yourself and those you influence. Caurel's warmth, sense of humor, challenges, and care are what made my experience a profound one. She is truly the real deal, and I encourage you to step into what has the potential to be the most impactful experience you can invest in yourself - you just need a starting point. And my friend...this is it!”

Be the Best YOU, you can be.

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431 - 688-6802


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